Wordle App - Documentation

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Game Features
  3. Gameplay Instructions
  4. Conclusion


The Wordle Game is an interactive word-guessing game with multiple features aimed at enhancing user experience. The game offers a variety of difficulty levels and useful controls to make gameplay engaging and challenging.

Game Features

Splash Screen

  • The game begins with a splash screen that displays the title "Wordle".
  • A loading bar indicates the game's initialization process before taking the player to the main game screen.

Game Counters

Total Games Counter

  • This counter keeps track of how many games have been played so far.

Wins Counter

  • This counter keeps track of the total number of wins.

Win Rate

  • The win rate is automatically calculated as a ratio of the total number of wins to the total number of games played. This is displayed in the Statistics Menu.

Difficulty Levels

  • Easy Mode: Allows more attempts (e.g., 7 rows).
  • Medium Mode: Moderate difficulty, reducing the number of attempts (e.g., 5 rows).
  • Hard Mode: Higher difficulty with fewer attempts (e.g., 3 rows).

The number of rows represents the number of attempts available to guess the word. As the difficulty increases, the number of rows decreases, making it more challenging for the player.

Gameplay Buttons

Erase Button

  • This button erases one character from the current guess. Players can correct mistakes before submitting their word.

Enter Button

  • This button submits the current guess and progresses the game to the next round. Players cannot advance to the next round without completing the current one successfully.

Exit Button

  • This button opens the Statistics Menu, which provides a detailed summary of gameplay.

Statistics Menu

Upon pressing the Exit Button, the Statistics Menu appears. It includes:

  • Total Games: The total number of games played.
  • Total Wins: The total number of wins achieved.
  • Win Rate: The player's win rate percentage.

The menu provides two options:

  1. Continue: Resumes the game from the current round.
  2. Exit: Exits the game completely.

Gameplay Instructions

  1. Start the Game: The game starts with a splash screen, after which the player selects the desired difficulty level.
  2. Make Guesses: Use the keyboard to guess the word. After each guess, press the Enter button to submit the word.
  3. Erase Mistakes: If needed, use the Erase button to remove characters from your guess before submission.
  4. Progression: Complete the current round before moving to the next one. Clearing a round is mandatory to proceed.
  5. Exiting and Viewing Statistics: Press the Exit button at any time to view your statistics. From the Statistics Menu, either continue playing or exit the game.


The Wordle Game offers a user-friendly interface with engaging difficulty levels and helpful gameplay features such as counters, statistics, and useful controls like Erase, Enter, and Exit buttons. The game's real-time feedback and progression system make it an enjoyable and challenging experience for players of all skill levels.

Gameplay Video