
Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • View Live Site↗️ Here

Background 💡

Quizap helps you put your brain to a quick test with variety of quiz questions from several categories, and in different difficulties.

About the Project 📖

This is a solo project from Bob Ziroll's React course on Scrimba. It consumes the OpenTrivia DB API, and uses the data to render a quick quiz based on your preference.

Technologies Used

This project was created with Visual Studio Code and the following technologies were used:

  • Frontend

  • Styling

How To Play 👍

  • Visit the website.
  • Surf through basic infromation.
  • Go through the "How To Play" section.

Screenshot (28)

  • Now you have an idea of how the game works.
  • Fill the form (Make a choice in all fields).


  • Note You can NOT start the quiz without having the above step checked off.

Screenshot (30)

  • After filling the form, click the Confirm button to get your quiz questions ready. Then, click Start Quiz to get it all started.

Screenshot (29)

  • Note You also WON'T be able to start the quiz without clicking the Confirm button, and in some cases your quiz question won't be generated/updated.

Screenshot (30)

  • If all checks pass, you'll get your quiz started after clicking the Start Quiz button.
  • Take your time with it, and try to ace the test.
  • When you're done, and confident about the options you've picked. Click the Check Answer button to reveal your quiz score, and the quiz solution(s) to questions you didn't get right, if need be.


Screenshot (31)

  • If you enjoyed your quiz, click the Once More button to go again.


  • Note DON'T FORGET to click the Confirm button to update your quiz based on the chnges you made.

Screenshot (29)

  • ENJOY.🚀

🛠️ Installation Steps

  1. Fork the project
  2. Clone the forked project
  3. Navigate to the cloned project directory
  4. Install the dependencies with npm install
  5. Run npm run dev to start the server
  6. Open the browser to visit the website at http://localhost:3000/

Product Specialization ✔️

  • Mobile Phones
  • Tablets
  • Laptops

Project Status 🚀

Project is : open to contributions