mathcode - An open Source C/Cpp Library for Mathematics and Number Theory

Using the header file

 At first you include  mathcode.h (#include "mathcode.h") then access all property.
The file mathcode.h should be saved in the same directory as the program folder.

Prime number check in O(sqrt(N)) time complexity.

Pass one integer in isPrime(n), it will return number prime or not.

Primality test technique in O(Nlog(logN)) time complexity

Primality test technique which is used to generate prime numbers in a given range like from 1 to N, where N is not more than 10^7.

Call the function primality_test(). Then All the prime numbers are stored in is_prime[] array 1 to 1000000. If array value is 1 the array index is prime number. You only at first call the function primality_test() then directly access the array is_prime[].

Prime Factorization in O(sqrt(N)).

You pass a number through primeFact(n) and it returns a vector pair. You need to call the function this way vector<pair<int,int>>v= primeFact(n). Number’s all prime factor is stored in a vector pair. In first element of pair store the prime factor and in second element of pair store how many times occur the prime factor.

Binary Exponentiation((A^N)) in O(logN) time complexity

Pass the base(A) and power(N) through the Function power(A,N) it will return (A^N) value in O(logN) time complexity.

Prime Factorization using Sieve in O(log(N))

This is calculated by Sieve algorithm. You call the function sieveFun() it will make an array name sieve[] and using this array value we calculate the prime factor of a number of number between 1 to 1000000.

Example: We calculate the factor of number 10. After calling function the array sieve[] look like this, Index= 0, 1 ,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10 sieve[]={0,-1 ,2, 3, 2, 5, 2, 7, 2, 3, 2}


while(n) { cout<<sieve[n]; int z= sieve[n]; n=n/z; }

Binomial Coefficient using Modulo inverse

At first you make an array which contain all the factorial from 1 to 10^6. (Because it takes o(n) time so time complexity will increase if we calculate it every time) Then pass value through the function C(N,P,array). It will return the value;