Repository for Python Training of 4 weeks from mid Feb to Mar 2021.
- Numbers
- Strings
- Lists
- if
- for
- range()
- break, continue and else
- pass
- default args
- keyword args
- variable args
- lambda expressions
- docstrings
- function annotations and type hints
- Idiomatic Python
- PEP 8
- PEP 20
- More Lists
- del
- Tuples and Sequences
- Sets
- Dicts
- Looping Techniques
- Conditions
- in, not in
- chaining
- and, or
- comparing sequences
- import syntax
- modules as scripts
- standard modules
- packages
- import syntax
- intra package references
- formatting
- f-strings
- format() method
- positional
- keyword
- manual formatting
- repr
- rjust
- ljust
- center
- objects
- classes
- inheritance
- instance and class
- Except
- Raise
- Custom
- Introduction
- Standard Lib
- Cheese shop
- REST Principles
- Guide
- REST framework
- Basics
- REST framework
- Unit Testing
- Parameterization
- Options