
XMeme is a simple backend web application where users can post and see memes.

During the course of this project,

  1. Built XMeme by writing necessary GET and POST APIs for fetching and posting the memes.

  2. Built the backend application from scratch using a spring starter template and stored/retrieved the data from MongoDB.

  3. Tested the application functionality.


                                                XMeme Architecture


                                                XMeme mock up

Built XMeme backend completely from scratch

Scope of work

  1. Created a Backend Server using Spring template with the REST API handlers.

  2. Implemented support for POST API that can be used to post Memes.

  3. Implemented support for GET API that can be used to fetch the 100 newest memes posted, including these fields - name, caption and image URLs.

  4. Implemented support for GET API to fetch individual Memes using Meme Id.

  5. Used MongoDB to store the Meme related fields and extract them.

  6. Handled incorrect requests and used appropriate HTTP Response codes for error scenarios.

  7. Tested the functionality and wrote code with clear comments and documentation.

  8. Wrote modular code following MVCS layering architecture.

Skills used

Core Java, Backend Server, Jackson, Spring Boot, Spring Data, REST API, MongoDB, Docker and Swagger