
  • Node v16.15.x
  • Discord Selfbot Credentials
  • Google API Service Account Credentials

Project setup

  1. Install node js from for your platform
  2. Unzip project folder. Open terminal/console. Run ‘npm install’ command.

Project configuration

Create a .env file in the project root, here we'll add all our credentials needed for our bot to work

CLIENT_TOKEN = '<DISCORD BOT TOKEN>' # //user auth token for the self bot
BOT_CHANNEL = '<DISCORD CHANNEL ID>' # // channel to send the messages

BOT_COMMAND = 'imagine' # imagine command for the bot
BOT_ID = '936929561302675456' # // unique id of Midjourney Bot

DRIVE_FOLDER_ID = '<DRIVE FOLDER ID>' # // id of the folder, service account should be editor

Discord part

  1. Assign your user token to CLIENT_TOKEN variable from /utils/variables.js file. (
  2. Assign channel id with the bot (it can be DM or channel on your own server) to BOT_CHANNEL variable from /utils/variables.js file. (The last part of any web link, like 101463260890005xxxx - channel id.

Google Drive part

  1. Create Google API project.
  2. Add Google Drive and Google Spreadsheets API.
  3. Create Service account, grant owner permission and generate JSON key.
  4. Download the key and place it into the root folder with creds.json name.
  5. Add new values to the Variables file.
  6. Add service account as to the folder.


  1. Run npm start command to start the server.

Deploy with Docker

  1. Build Docker Image using the following command:
docker build -t mj-self-bot .
  1. Run Docker Image Container with:
docker run -it -p 8000:3000 mj-self-bot

This can be useful in a future for deployments in different environments:)


Santb Any issue or any support needed feel free to contact me on any channel.