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SanteDB Master Data Management

This readme provides technical documentation on the MDM plugin for SanteDB. Overall architecture documentation can be found on the SanteDB WIKI.

The use case for the Master Data Management plugin is to allow robust linking of records from multiple source systems to a single MASTER (aka golden, enterprise, etc.) record. The goals of the MDM record plugin are:

  • Allow source systems complete autonomy to edit/change their own source data feeds without impacting data feeds from other systems
  • Ensure that all data from sensitive data sources (like HIV clinics) are not disclosed within the golden record
  • Provide a transparent interface for callers of FHIR or HL7v2 to feed data to the MDM layer without knowing the specifics (i.e. it is transparent to the caller)
  • Provide system administrators which a clear understanding of where data within their CDR is sourced
  • Provide a mechanism for generated data (like identifiers, and tokens, etc.) to be segregated from source systems.

Relationship Type Registrations

The MDM layer registers the following relationship types.

Mnemonic Use
MDM-Master Links a SOURCE/LOCAL entity to a MASTER entity
MDM-OriginalMaster Whenever the MDM layer changes the MASTER automatically
MDM-RecordOfTruth Links a MDM MASTER to a record which is promoted to RECORD OF TRUTH (this record trumps all source system)
MDM-Duplicate Identifies a SOURCE was detected as a duplicate or a candidate of a MASTER
MDM-IgnoreCandidateLocalRecord Indicates that the SOURCE and MASTER have been flagged as NOT the same and any future attempt to flag the record should be ignored.

Note: The MDM layer provides its own identiifer based IRecordMatchingService which wraps the configured IRecordMatchingService whcih allows the MDM layer to match records on identifiers, even when no other matching solution is configured.


Case 1: Register New , Distinct Source Record

This test case ensures that the basic test case is fulfilled in that a new record is created and a master is established for that record.


  • None

Test Steps:

  • SOURCE_A with minimal demographic data is registered (external id: MDM-01)


  • MDM layer establishes MASTER_A
  • MDM layer links SOURCE_A with MASTER_A with relationship MDM-Master and classification AUTO
  • Querying for MDM-01 results in MASTER_A being returned
  • MASTER_A contains the properties from SOURCE_A

Case 2: Register New , Duplicate Source Record

This test case ensures that when a new record matches an existing record (as defined in the matcher) the new source record is linked. This matching can be on identifier (like an foreign identifier).


  • SOURCE_A with minimal demographic data is registered (external id: MDM-02A)
  • MASTER_A has been established for SOURCE_A

Test Steps:

  • SOURCE_B with matching demographics to SOURCE_A is registered (external id: MDM-02B)


  • MDM layer links SOURCE_B with MASTER_A with relationship MDM-Master and classification AUTO
  • Querying for MDM-02A or MDM-02B results in MASTER_A being returned
  • MASTER_A contains both identifiers MDM-02A and MDM-02B
  • MASTER_A contains only one name (as they are identical)

Case 3: Register New , Suspected Duplicate Record

This test case ensures that when a new source record is registered which has sufficient matching properties to be a Probable classification, that the MDM layer establishes appropriate linkages.


  • SOURCE_A with minimal demographic data is registered (external id: MDM-03A)
  • MASTER_A has been established for SOURCE_A

Test Steps:

  • SOURCE_B with demographics which match SOURCE_A (with the exception of MutlipleBirthIndicator being different) is registered (external id: MDM-03B)


  • MDM layer establishes MASTER_B for record SOURCE_B
  • SOURCE_B is linked to MASTER_B with relationship type MDM-Master and class AUTO
  • SOURCE_B is linked to MASTER_A with relationship type MDM-Duplicate and class AUTO

Case 4: Updating a Source Record Maintains Master Relationship

This test case ensures that a master record with only one source record maintains its link with its source even when the source is updated to wildly different inforation.


  • SOURCE_A with minimal demographic data is registered (external id: MDM-04)
  • MASTER_A has been established for SOURCE_A

Test Steps:

  • Chagne all the properties of SOURCE_A to new values
  • Save SOURCE_A


  • MASTER_A remains established, no new master is created
  • SOURCE_A remains pointed as MASTER_A
  • All synthesized data in MASTER_A matches the updates to SOURCE_A

Case 5: Update a Candidate Record to match the Master

This test case ensures that a source record is flagged as a candidate record. At a later time, when an update to the candidate is received and the candidate now matches the master it was a candidate for, the relationship is changed such that the candidate is now a linked master.


  • SOURCE_A with minimal demographic data is registered (external id: MDM-05A)
  • MASTER_A has been established for SOURCE_A
  • SOURCE_B with demographic data similar to SOURCE_A is registered (external id: MDM-05B)
  • MASTER_B has been established for SOURCE_B
  • SOURCE_B has a relationship with MASTER_A of type MDM-Duplicate and class AUTO

Test Steps:

  • Update the properties in SOURCE_B so that they match SOURCE_A (keep the identifiers the same)
  • Save SOURCE_B


  • SOURCE_B points to MASTER_A with relationship MDM-Master and class AUTO
  • SOURCE_A remains pointed to MASTER_A with relationship MDM-Master and class AUTO
  • SOURCE_B no longer has a MDM-Duplicate relationship with MASTER_A
  • SOURCE_B is linked to MASTER_B with relationship MDM-OriginalMaster and class AUTO
  • MASTER_B is obsoleted and does not appear in queries
  • MASTER_A has a relationship with MASTER_B of type REPLACES
  • Searching for MDM-04A or MDM-04B returns MASTER_A

Case 6: Update a Linked Source Such it Doesn't Match the Master

In this test case, a master record contains two sources which had previously been automatically established. The source system updates one of the source records such that the matching engine no longer deems the source a match with the master. The source which was updated should be detached from the master.


  • SOURCE_A is registered with minimal demographics (external id: MDM-06A)
  • SOURCE_A points to MASTER_A with relationship MDM-Master and class AUTO
  • SOURCE_B is registered with same demographics as SOURCE_A (external id: MDM-06B)
  • SOURCE_B points to MASTER_A with relationship MDM-Master and class AUTO

Test Steps:

  • SOURCE_B properties are changed to vary wildly from SOURCE_A
  • SOURCE_B is saved


  • SOURCE_A remains pointed at MASTER_A with type MDM-Master and class AUTO
  • SOURCE_B points as MASTER_A with type MDM-OriginalMaster and class AUTO
  • MASTER_B is established in the database
  • SOURCE_B points to MASTER_B with type MDM-Master and class AUTO
  • Searching for MDM-05A returns MASTER_A
  • Searching for MDM-05B returns MASTER_B

Case 7: Manual Reconciliation of Candidate Record

This test case ensures that when a candidate record is manually reconciled to be a match, that appropriate relationship steps occur.


  • SOURCE_A with minimal demographic data is registered (external id: MDM-07A)
  • MASTER_A has been established for SOURCE_A
  • SOURCE_B with demographic data similar to SOURCE_A is registered (external id: MDM-07B)
  • MASTER_B has been established for SOURCE_B
  • SOURCE_B has a relationship with MASTER_A of type MDM-Duplicate and class AUTO

Test Steps:

  • The IRecordMergeService instructs that SOURCE_B should be merged into MASTER_A


  • SOURCE_A points to MASTER_A with relationship MDM-Master and class AUTO
  • SOURCE_B points to MASTER_A with relationship MDM-Master and class VERIFIED
  • SOURCE_B relationship to MASTER_A with relationship MDM-Duplicate is removed
  • SOURCE_B relationship to MASTER_B is removed
  • MASTER_B is obsolete (no longer appears in searches)
  • MASTER_A points to MASTER_B with relationship REPLACES
  • Querying for MDM-07A or MDM-07B returns MASTER_A

Case 8: Manual Linking of a Source is "Sticky"

In this test case, we perform the same test steps as Case #5, however becase the link between SOURCE_B and MASTER_A has a link type of VERIFIED the relationship does not change.


  • SOURCE_A with minimal demographic data is registered (external id: MDM-08A)
  • MASTER_A has been established for SOURCE_A with relationship MDM-Master and class AUTO
  • SOURCE_B with demographic data similar to SOURCE_A is registered (external id: MDM-08B)
  • SOURCE_B has a relationship with MASTER_A of type MDM-Master and class VERIFIED

Test Steps:

  • SOURCE_B is updated such that the data is wildly different than previously estalbished


  • SOURCE_B remains linked to MASTER_A with MDM-Master and class VERIFIED
  • SOURCE_A id detached from MASTER_A and a new master MASTER_B is established
  • SOURCE_A is linked to MASTER_B with link type MDM-Master and class AUTO
  • SOURCE_A is related to MASTER_A with link type MDM-OriginalMaster and class AUTO
  • Searching for MDM-08B returns MASTER_A
  • Searching for MDM-08A returns MASTER_B

Case 9: Ignoring of Candidate Records

In this test case, we want to flag an identified candidate link as an ignore condition. Upon subsequent updates, the source should never be considered for matching or merging with another master, even if they meet criteria for candidate linking.


  • SOURCE_A with minimal demographic data is registered (external id: MDM-09A)
  • MASTER_A has been established for SOURCE_A with relationship MDM-Master and class AUTO
  • SOURCE_B with demographic data similar to SOURCE_A is registered (external id: MDM-09B)
  • MASTER_B has been established for SOURCE_B with relationship MDM-Master and class AUTO
  • SOURCE_B has a link to MASTER_A with relationship MDM-Duplicate and class AUTO

Test Steps A:

  • The IRecordMergeService is called to ignore the relationship between SOURCE_B and MASTER_A

Outcome A:

  • SOURCE_B is related to MASTER_A with relationship MDM-IgnoreCandidateLocal and class VERIFIED

Test Steps B:

  • Update SOURCE_B such that the demographics information matches SOURCE_A
  • Save SOURCE_B

Outcome B:

  • No changes in SOURCE_B's relationship with MASTER_A or MASTER_B

Case 10: Un-Merge/Detach of Source from a Master is "Sticky"

In this test case, we ensure that when a source is detached/unmerged from a master, that the detached source is never re-attached to the original master, even if it matches according to the normal rewrite rules.


  • SOURCE_A with minimal demographic data is registered (external id: MDM-10A)
  • MASTER_A has been established for SOURCE_A with relationship MDM-Master and class AUTO
  • SOURCE_B with demographic data identical to SOURCE_A is registered (external id: MDM-10B)
  • SOURCE_B has a link to MASTER_A with relationship MDM-Master and class AUTO

Test Steps A:

  • Use the IRecordMergingService to Unmerge SOURCE_B from MASTER_A

Outcome A:

  • MASTER_B should be established for SOURCE_B with relationship MDM-Master and class VERIFIED
  • SOURCE_B has a relationship with MASTER_A with relationship MDM-OriginalMaster and class VERIFIED
  • Querying for MDM-09A returns MASTER_A and MDM-09B returns MASTER_B

Test Steps B:

  • Update SOURCE_B so that the dmeographics exactly match SOURCE_A
  • Save SOURCE_B

Outcome B:

  • SOURCE_B remains linked to MASTER_B with MDM-Master and class VERIFIED

Test Case 11: Create a Record of Truth

In this test case we establish a known record of truth. Records of truth are special records which contain the most accurate information about a MASTER record.

Test Case 12: Update Record of Truth

In this test case we ensure that the Record Of Truth is not moved or merged in any fashion (similar to other locals). We also ensure that the synthesization of results take information from the ROT.

Test Case 13: Sensitive Data is Removed

In this test case we setup two different policy levels on our source information.

  • SOURCE_A -> No policies applied
  • SOURCE_B -> TABOO policy applied

We then link SOURCE_A and SOURCE_B to a single MASTER_A. Upon querying for data from MASTER_A with a principal which has no access to TABOO we note that only the data from SOURCE_A is included in the result set. We then change our prinicipal to one where TABOO is permitted and re-query. We should note that information from SOURCE_B is updated.

Test Case 14: Update to MASTER is Redirected To Local

In SanteDB no system is permitted to operate on a master record without appropriate policies in place. This test case will test a condition where a client mistakenly attempts to direclty update the master record from the API. The master record should realize this condition and should redirect the updates to the LOCAL record which the caller created in a previous step.

Test Case 15: Update to MASTER results in new LOCAL

This is a special case of Test Case #13 whereby a new system has "downloaded" the master record and is attempting to re-submit the master. Here the MDM layer should establish a new SOURCE record for the update, and segregate (protect) the master/golden record.

Test Case 16: MASTER<>MASTER Merging

This test case is a requirement for PMIR, we will attempt as a foreign credential to instruct the MDM layer to MERGE two master records together. The foreign credential which has no permission to MDM Write Master should result in an error/policy violation. When re-authenticating as a credential which has appropriate permission to administer MDM Masters, the two masters and their source records should be merged according to the logic specified.

Test Case 17: LOCAL>LOCAL Merging

This test case a LOCAL source for records SOURCE_A and SOURCE_B wishes to merge SOURCE_A into SOURCE_B. The serouce has control of the two records and therefore the merge is committed.


  • SOURCE_A is registered with master link to MASTER_A (id: MDM-17A)
  • SOURCE_B is registered with master link to MASTER_B (id: MDM-17B)

Test Steps:

  • The IRecordMergeService is called to indicate SOURCE_A replaces SOURCE_B

The MDM layer should perform the appropriate merging logic.


  • SOURCE_A is related to SOURCE_B with relationship REPLACES
  • SOURCE_B is marked as OBSOLETE
  • SOURCE_A contains both MDM-17A and MDM-17B links

Test Case 18: LOCAL>LOCAL Merging Cross Domain

This test case ensures that a non-owner source of a LOCAL record cannot merge two source records with different ownership.


  • Authenticated as MDM-17A identity
  • SOURCE_A is registered with MASTER_A (id: MDM-18A)
  • SOURCE_B is registered with MASTER_B (id: MDM-18B)

Test Steps:

  • Authenticate as MDM-17B
  • Use IRecordMergeService in an attempt to merge SOURCE_A into SOURCE_B


  • An error is thrown indicating lack of ownership
  • SOURCE_A and SOURCE_B remain unchanged, linked to MASTER_A and MASTER_B respectively

Test Case 19: Update Relationship Directly

In this test case, an API caller attempts to modify the MDM relationships directly and receives various behaviors related to the process:


  • SOURCE_A is registered with MASTER_A (id: MDM-19A)
  • SOURCE_B is registered with MASTER_A (same demographics, id MDM-19B)
  • SOURCE_C is registered with MASTER_B (id: MDM-19C)
  • SOURCE_D is registered with MASTER_C and candidate link to MASTER_B (id: MDM-19D)

Test Steps:

  • Directly call update to EntityRelationship in attempt to DELETE link between SOURCE_A and MASTER_A
  • Directly call update in attempt to UPDATE link between `SOURCE_A

Test Case 20: Appropriate Policy Blocks in Place

This test case ensures that a principal with access to TABOO Data is properly disclosed data in records marked as TABOO.

Test Case 21: Processing of Bundle Preserves Transaction

This test case ensures that the MDM layer processing bundles preserves the existing bundle transaction components. The test will ensure that a bundle with a Patient and Organization are properly stored and retrieved from the underlying MDM persistence layer.