
Primary LanguageJavaScript



	The Objective this project is to develop an application,that is 
	capable of learning from others,and share it with others.

you can chat and train the model with the android application and you can download the app from the following link.

Android app:https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7jojn6xNn2DTmlnMFlpb1NDMlJ6OXRCRTlNM2NjUnpzNmNF,

Techknowledge Used:

	1) Python-flask sever
	2) Python-Chatterbot
	3) Centralized Mongodb database
	4) wikipedia Api,google speech to text Api
	5) Android,html,css,javascript,jqueryhttps://stark-brook-57528.herokuapp.com/


	1) S Santhosh Kumar 
	2) V Shrivatsun



	you can normaly chat with the model by using website or by mobile app,


	say "let's start learning", learning mode will be initialized, you 
	can teach the model with a series of question and answer,
	once  learning is done say 'that's it' it end learning, the you can 
	check the learning model by having a conversation.

searching operation,

	you can search for anything using the command 'search for anything' 
	example 'search for food'

Thank you