This repository contains the apis for assigning mentor for a students and students for a mentor, also creation and retrieve of students and mentor
Assign Students to mentors and vice versa
The project is an API for managing mentors and students within an educational or training environment. The API facilitates creating, retrieving, and assigning mentors and students. It provides endpoints to create new mentors and students, retrieve all or specific mentors and students, and assign students to mentor and vice versa
Key Features:
Create mentor: Creation of mentors with specific details
Assign students to mentor: Assigning one or more students to mentor who didn't have a mentor.
Retrieve mentors: Retrieving all the mentors with students details.
Create student: Creation of students with specific details
Assign mentor to students: Assigning or Changing the mentor for student.
Retrieve students: Retrieving all the students with mentor details.