
Repo to demonstrate a deeplinking bug when a stack navigator is nested inside a Drawer Navigator

Primary LanguageJava

Current Behavior

If a drawer-screen with stack navigator is nested inside a drawer navigator and then deeplinked to a screen within the stack navigator with a parameter, the parameter is still present when we navigate to the screen without passing the parameter.

Expected Behavior

When we navigate to the screen without passing any parameter, the parameter has to be undefined.

How to reproduce


npm i --legacy-peer-deps
npx pod-install ios
npx react-native run-ios

Open detail screen with deeplink with param 'id=123'

xcrun simctl openurl booted "mychat://detail?id=123"

we should see { id: 123 } being shown on the screen


Go back to Main screen


Tap the button Go to Details with id '789'

We should see { id: 789 } being shown on the screen


Go back to Main screen again. Now tap the button Go to Details without id

We still see { id: 123 } being shown on the screen. The expected behaviour here is that the id is undefined.

Expected behaviour is seen when deeplinking is not used.

  • Now do a full reload. And tap the button Go to Details with id '789'. We should see { id: 789 } being shown. Then if we tap the button Go to Details without id, we see that the id is undefined as expected. This is the same behaviour I expect after deeplinking too but instead { id: 123 } param is being remembered.

Note: I tried it on v6 and was able to reproduce as well