
Personal goals made public :blush: - Inspired from http://una.im/personal-goals-guide/

Personal Goals

Personal goals made open source for accessibility across computers I use, transparency, accountability, and versioning.

Strategy: Focus on process and not on the product.

Overarching Goals for 2017

  1. Finish Evlo app
  2. Greedy algorithms, dynamic programming, graphs
  3. Android architecture components and kotlin expertise
  4. Dutch inburgering exam, easy parts
  5. Learn Flutter
  6. Learn React native
  7. Redesign my site - use gulp & optimise the front-end workflow
  8. Learn to speak with more confidence

September 13 2017

This Week's Focus: Dutch exam and Evlo intro

Things I'll do This Week:

  • 5 more problems at firecode.io
  • Start waking up at 5:00
  • Evlo intro screen must be completed
  • Thirukural favorites page

Things I'll Do in the Future:

  • Start contributing to algorithm crackers repo again

Backlog: Side Projects & Other Ideas