
A small minimal course of AngularJS and Redux that they learn by solving tests

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Introduction to AngularJS & Redux by testing

A small course introducing AngularJS and Redux that uses test to introduce and teach concepts.


  1. Clone this repository

With Node (preferred)

2a. Install node (recommended by using https://github.com/creationix/nvm),

3a. Install live-server

$ npm install -g live-server

4a. Execute live-server in the repository directory

$ live-server .

With Chrome (less powerful)

2b. Install the Chrome extension "Web Server for Chrome" - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/web-server-for-chrome/ofhbbkphhbklhfoeikjpcbhemlocgigb?hl=en

3b. Serve the cloned directory and show index.html


2c. Use any webserver already installed in your computer.

3c. Serve the cloned directory and show index.html

How To

Once opened you will see tens of tests failing. Your task is make them pass.

Tests are inside spec/ directory. Each spec file is numbered. Start with the lower number and go for the next when it passes. Repeat until all tests passes.


David Rodenas (@drpicox)