
I am developing a Subdomain Finder in PHP, This Tool will be one of Many to Come.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


I am developing a Subdomain Finder in PHP, This Tool will be one of Many to Come. I am going to Develop my Own React To Contact Battle Drill, In My Case React to Contact means to Drop, Return Fire , 3Ds, Get online. I will develop this Battle Drills within the legal framework and More Important the Constitution of the United States of America. I just Graduated College 4.0 GPA in Software Development and I am here to Learn, Help, secure, Identify, Change what the landscape is because of my background. I will really appreciate any help that I can get. At the end it is all about the Community but more important it is your right to Protect your Property which include your Data. Now a Days Data is the most valuable part of what connect everything and everyone, It can be used in Court, It can be use for different things and it is my responsability to help everyone as much as I can. No one is allow to mess with your data.. The moment someone breaks the law to get your data, it is game on! They will be in trouble. NO Goverment, Entity or Person is aboved the Law. If someone shot at you, you shot back.

React To Contact / Not the Infantry One! ha!! but the Cyber Space React to Contact.. it takes one to be one.

My sites are: santicode.com, ecpicap480project, ecpicap480project.com/ldap_learn/ still got a few others but the purpose is Security..

Very Respectfully,

Hector Santiago