
The second version of the E&T-dagen website. This time built with Nuxt 3 instead of Django.

Primary LanguageVue


The second version of the E&T-dagen website. This time built with Nuxt 3 instead of Django.

NB! You can find further reading materials in the Repository Wiki if the content in this README is not satisfactory

Getting started

Look at the Nuxt 3 documentation to learn more.



Clone the repository using SSH:

git clone git@github.com:et-dagen/et-dagen.git

Install dependencies:

# Navigate to the project root
cd ./et-dagen

# Install dependencies
pnpm install


Create a .env file in the project root by copying the .env.example file:

cp .env.example .env


cp .env.example .env.development

Missing environment variables in the .env file will be provided by the project manager.


Start the development server on http://localhost:3000

pnpm dev


Locally preview production build:

pnpm preview


Create pull request from dev to main branch. When the pull request is approved and merged, the production build will be deployed automatically to Digital Ocean using their App Platform.

Control the deployment logs in Digital Ocean Control Panel.

Development guidelines


Issues should be created for all new features and bugs. The issue should be assigned to the person who will be working on it. The issue should be labeled with the appropriate label(s).

When deciding to work on a new issue, assign yourself to the issue and move it to the In progress column on the project board.

When opening a branch for the issue, click the Create a branch under Development on the GitHub issue page. Name the branch feature/issue_number-issue-title-in-kebab-case, and select Checkout locally. For example, if the issue number is 42 and the issue title is Add a new page, the branch should be named feature/42-add-a-new-page.

When the issue is completed, create a pull request and assign the pull request to the person who should review it. The issue should be moved to the In review column on the project board.

When the pull request is approved, merge it into the main branch and close the issue.


NB! All branches created working on issues should be branched off of main.

The project uses the following branch naming conventions:

  • main - The main branch. This branch is protected and requires a pull request to be merged.
  • feature/issue_number-issue-title-in-kebab-case - A branch for a new feature.
  • docs/... - A branch for documentation.
  • fix/... - A branch for a bug fix.
  • refactor/... - A branch for refactoring.
  • chore/... - A branch for miscellaneous tasks.
  • More may be added in the future.


  • See Conventional Commits conventions for commit messages.

  • The projects has been configured with a husky pre-commit hook that runs pnpm lintfix before every commit. This ensures that the code style is consistent.

Pull requests

  • Pull requests should be created for all new features and bugs. The pull request should be assigned to the person who should review it. The pull request should be labeled with the appropriate label(s).


To be improved.