
Coding Challenge

Primary LanguagePHP

Coding Challenge.

MVC PHP Framework

Some Helpfu links I used









The main decision I made for the challenge is to go for (*1)PhpLeague Route packages for routing/dispatching the application in a MVC pattern way. This choice give me a rapid structure to start working in the application based in a well tested/ trusted code.

The PhpLeague Route packages require an implementation of PSR-7 (*2)HTTP Message to work. This specification defines interfaces for the HTTP messages Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface and Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface.

As per in the League\Route example I choose Zend\Diactoros implementation.

(*1) The PHPLeague is a distinguished group of developers who build solid, well tested PHP packages using modern coding standards for the community.

(*2) An HTTP message is either a request from a client to a server or a response from a server to a client.

Fundamental pieces of an HTTP request/response pair.


Basic Requests Verbs

  • GET: fetch an existing resource. The URL contains all the necessary information the server needs to locate and return the resource.
  • POST: create a new resource. POST requests usually carry a payload that specifies the data for the new resource.
  • PUT: update an existing resource. The payload may contain the updated data for the resource.
  • DELETE: delete an existing resource.

Basic Response Status Code

  • 2xx: Successful
  • 3xx: Redirection
  • 4xx: Client Error
  • 5xx: Server Error