
Matricial dot product

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Matricial dot product

About .dat files

Every .dat file contains, separated by " " and "\n", rows and columns of a matrix -BUT in the first line contains always two values containing the dimensions (number of rows, number of columns)

Two ways of do it


$ sh run.sh will generate 2 sample multiplicable matrices using numpy, and then save them in "A.dat" and "B.dat". The default value of dimension is A(5x20) and B(20x5). Then the script compiles dot.cpp into binary file dot, and finally, ./dot "A.dat" "B.dat" multiply A and B matrices, and save the result in Result.dat.


sh input.sh will read 2 matrix from user interactive input, and then save it in the same "A.dat" and "B.dat" files and multiply them in the same way.