You need to have access to a Kubernetes cluster. The rest of the guide assumes you are using either Minikube or Docker for Mac
If using Docker for Mac:
If using Minikube:
<your minikube ip>
This is optional, but you'll have to change some things if you ignore this step
With the proper Kubernetes configuration in place, just run
kubectl apply -R -f k8s
Wait a few seconds until everything is running, fire up your browser and go to
You should be able to see the Traefik Web UI
Commiting to this repo will automatically update the bundle. However, you will need to set some variables in travis:
GITHUB_USER=<your GitHub username>
GITHUB_REPO=<the name of the repo (k8s-meetup-20191112)>
GITHUB_TOKEN=<a valid GitHub access token>
Then, you'll need to modify k8s/traefik/config-map.yml to point to the bundle generated for your project