Training models using declarative architectures with AllenNLP in Azure ML

This repository accompanies the post: Declarative Machine Learning as a way to scale ML.

Getting started

  1. Install the Azure ML CLI v2. Follow the instruction at Install and set up the CLI (v2) if it's the first time you use it.

  2. Create the datasets

    az ml data create -f .aml/data/portuguese-hate-tweets.yml
    az ml data create -f .aml/data/portuguese-hate-tweets-eval.yml

    Datasets are in JSONL format, given the DatasetReader was used in the model architecture. Those datasets will be registered as named datasets in Azure ML and injected into the training process using the allennlp train command.

  3. Create a compute cluster where to train on:

    az ml compute create -f .aml/trainer-gpu.compute.yml

    This compute cluster will have a minimum of 0 nodes, meaning that when no training jobs are running, it will scale down to 0 so you can reduce costs associated with it. This compute has GPUs.

  4. Submit a training job

    az ml job create -f .aml/jobs/tweets-hate-classifier.job.yml
  5. Once the run is completed, you can review the model and register it as a model in Azure ML:


This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Open an issue and start the discussion! Don't be shy!