How to easily integrate Express.js and MongoDB with create-react-app.
Install dependencies:
While developing, two servers must be run at the same time:
- Server server: Express.js connected to the database at port
. - Client server:
development server with hot reloading.
Both can be started with the single command:
yarn run dev
Go visit localhost:3000 and query the server with relative paths like:
// Good
// -> Request is automatically proxied.
// Bad
// -> Real server address, but you will have problems with CORS.
On production the app must be built once and then only run Express.js server:
# Automatically builds optimized react-app
yarn start
Production with Docker
First create data volume:
docker volume create --name=deadsimple-data
Then run with docker-compose and PM2 with (also update with):
docker-compose up -d --build
See the logs
docker-compose logs --follow app