- Java 11
- SpringBoot
- JUnit
- Swagger
- H2
Type of the storage can be changed in application.properties app.storage.type
Valid values: inmemory
and jpa
mvn clean test
mvn clean package
- this will run tests and create jar file
then java -jar target/miro-widgets-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
To access API Swagger was set up.
Url is http://localhost:8080/api/swagger-ui.html (when running the service)
- configurable datastore - DONE
- pagination - DONE
- rate limiting probably can be done with https://github.com/MarcGiffing/bucket4j-spring-boot-starter or guava https://www.baeldung.com/guava-rate-limiter
- filtering:
- check every widget if it fits. Complexity will be O(n), but we need less
- create 4 additional indexes (the same as zindex) which will contain left, right, top and bottom widget borders. Take from each index values
corresponding area border. Return widgets which present in all 4 results.