Recipes application

A simple application that allows to save, view, update, delete and search recipes.



Repository contains API specifications in OpenAPI format. The overview can be viewed by the url: Swagger


For implementation WebFlux library is used. It allows to serve requests and responses asynchronously and has a lot of tools to provide stabily of the application.


To store the data MongoDB is used. The application starts up the embedded MongoDB server for testing.

Database operations

Application supports the standard CRUD operations for recipes and also search operation including full text search by recipe instructions. In code it is achieved by creating 2 separate (sub)repositories:

  • CRUD repository
  • Search repository in combination with query builder


Application is a simple maven application with Spring Boot as a parent. So running and testing is very simple: Running all the tests and building the application:

mvn clean package

or look at Actions tab of the repository for the latest builds


The codebase contains multiple Unit and Integration Tests. In combination, it provides the coverage almost 100%.