
Scripts to help create schroot environments to test desktop apps

Primary LanguageShell

Test Environments

This was my attempt at creating virtualized environments for desktop applicaion testing.

For this I considered several alternatives including chroot, schroot, systemd-nspawn and Docker. All of these options provide diferent levels of virtualization. At first I thought Docker to be overkill, because it tried to isolate as much as possible the host and the guest systems, and in application testing we usually still want access to all the hardware available from the host system including networking, graphics card, audio etc. Turns out everything is much more complicated and I went through a long journey of containerization.

To test desktop applications in different distributions we usually want most services from the host system to also be available inside the container. This is the opposite from the problem projects like Docker solve which is to have an environmet as isolated as possible from the host system, and with the minimum components necessary for a service to run.

For desktop application development we want the complete opposite. We want an environment that has access to all hardware from the host system, and that is as similar as possible to a full user installation of an operating system.

System Isolation

Testing an application means building and running the application in an environment with two different kinds of settings. First the status of installed packages and their versions, and second the runtime configuration of the user's session. Bugs may happen in either one of these.

These scripts focus on quickly testing for the first kind of bugs. Because we try as much as we can to reuse all runtime services from the host, problems may arise if the host and the chroot system are very different. This also means that bugs related to these runtime services can't be reliably debugged.

Examples of this runtime things that are reused are: dbus' session, X11's session created via Xauth, environment variables.