
Sample app using CrashKiOS on KMP

Primary LanguageKotlin

KMP Crash Tracker

This is a Kotlin Multiplatform project targeting Android, iOS.

  • /composeApp is for code that will be shared across your Compose Multiplatform applications. It contains several subfolders:

    • commonMain is for code that’s common for all targets.
    • Other folders are for Kotlin code that will be compiled for only the platform indicated in the folder name. For example, if you want to use Apple’s CoreCrypto for the iOS part of your Kotlin app, iosMain would be the right folder for such calls.
  • /iosApp contains iOS applications. Even if you’re sharing your UI with Compose Multiplatform, you need this entry point for your iOS app. This is also where you should add SwiftUI code for your project.

  • /shared is for the code that will be shared between all targets in the project. The most important subfolder is commonMain. If preferred, you can add code to the platform-specific folders here too.

Learn more about Kotlin Multiplatform

Setup Project


Create your mobile project in https://www.bugsnag.com/ and configure your apiKeys on Android and iOS.

Android Using local properties for define api key:


iOS Add in the Credentials.plist file the following variables bugsnagApiKey with the keys obtained in the bugsnag portal.

Send dSYMS to Bugsnag

Check official documentation: https://docs.bugsnag.com/platforms/ios/showing-full-stacktraces/


Check Firebase Crashlytics documentation and create your Firebase projects for android and ios. Note, if your repo is public, you probably want to make sure to add Android's google-services.json and iOS's GoogleService-info files to your gitignore.

Send dSYMS for Dynamic Framework

If you're using a dynamic framework you may also see a warning on the Crashlytics dashboard about missing dSYMS or "Missing UUID" in the stack trace of Kotlin crashes. If that happens adding a build phase to push the Kotlin framework dSYM to Crashlytics separately should resolve it.

In Xcode, select your project on the left sidebar, open the Build Phases Tab, and press the + in the top left. The select "New Run Script Phase" and give it a name like "Upload Kotlin dSYM". Add this script to the build phase

Pods/FirebaseCrashlytics/upload-symbols -gsp iosApp/GoogleService-Info.plist -p ios ../shared/build/cocoapods/framework/Shared.framework.dSYM


Init library

This library support Bugsnag and Crashlytics. Default case add two providers.


Add next line into Application class

class MainApplication : Application() {
    override fun onCreate() {
        // Init crash tracker
            config = CrashTrackerConfig(
                context = this,
                apiKey = BuildConfig.bugsnagApiKey
            providers = Providers.Default


Add next line into appdelegate class

class AppDelegate: NSObject, UIApplicationDelegate {
    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil) -> Bool {
        let appCredentials = readAppCredentials()
       // Init crash tracker
            config: CrashTrackerConfig(
                apiKey: appCredentials.bugsnagApiKey
            providers: .bugsnag

        return true

    func readAppCredentials() -> AppCredentials {
          let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "Credentials", withExtension: "plist")!
          let data = try! Data(contentsOf: url)
          let decoder = PropertyListDecoder()
          return try! decoder.decode(AppCredentials.self, from: data)
