Implement a model application for customer support ticketing system:
There are incoming requests that are processed by the workers (customer support agents).
Each request has the following fields:
- question (string - the text of the customer's question)
- priority (int - 1, 2, 3)
The tickets with priority 1 are the most important ones, the tickets with priority = 3 are the least important ones.
There should be a pool of workers that process incoming questions (the number of workers should be configurable), and return the reply back to the customer. Processing takes random time (1-3 seconds), the reply can be filled with a random string.
If a request is waiting for the response longer than a configured timeout value, error should be returned.
If you have time, eventually it can be a RESTful API service with methods:
/api/post - posting a question (POST request, accepts json: { "priority": , "question": } And returns the reply as json: { "success": <true|false>, "message": <reply on success|error if waiting time exceeded timeout> }
/api/status - returns the status of the system as a json: { "workers": <number of active workers">, "questions_processed": , "average_response_time": , "queue_length": { 1: , 2: , 1: } }
But if you don't have time, you can just create code for this - for example, if your main app struct is called App, you can create methods:
App.Post(priority int, question string) (struct, error) - error should be returned if timeout exceeded
App.Status() struct
Think about which structures to use, how to structure code, how to implement prioritised queues, how to implement timeout.