
Sjasmplus directives causes error

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi once again!

I have such lines in my assembly:


SAVEBIN 'main.bin', main

also I have this option -dialect sjasmplus

Running optimizer I get:

ERROR: parseRestofTheLine: Cannot parse line main.asm#2:         SLDOPT COMMENT WPMEM, LOGPOINT, ASSERTION  left over tokens: [WPMEM, ,, LOGPOINT, ,, ASSERTION]
ERROR: Unsupported save command SAVEBIN

Also it just silently removes directive DEVICE ZXSPECTRUM128 from generated output

Also, it would be very handy if optimizer would add commented messages about optimized instructions in output asm at the optimized place

Thanks for the suggestions! Indeed, not all sjasmplus directives are supported yet, but I'll take a note of these ones and add as soon as possible. I'll keep this issue open until I fix it. Thanks!

And the second suggestion is also a great one, I'll make a note of that to add asap too!

Sorry this took so long, but the original problem should be fixed with this commit: ece5fc0

It'll be included in the next release (that I am planning to upload to morrow if all goes well)