An SVG/XML parser that converts to react-native-svg format. This project was created in order to make it easy to use existing SVG files with the react-native-svg project, which only supports a subset of SVG and does not provide a method for directly rendering SVG from an SVG/XML format file.
npm i @target-corp/react-native-svg-parser
import ReactNativeSvgParser from 'react-native-svg-parser'
const svgNode = ReactNativeSvgParser(`YOUR SVG XML STRING`, `YOUR CSS STYLESHEET STRING`)
render() {
return <View>
{ svgNode }
The parser takes a third parameter, and object with config options. You can specify the following values:
Prop name | Type | Description |
width | number | overrides the width provided by viewbox, becomes "width" prop on Svg element |
height | number | overrides the height provided by viewbox, becomes "height" prop on Svg element |
viewBox | string | overrides the viewbox element on the SVG and is added as a prop on Svg element |
DOMParser | object | this is passed directly to xmldom.DOMParser, see xmldom docs for options available |
omitById | array | an optional array of ids to omit from the SVG output object |
Example usage:
import ReactNativeSvgParser from 'react-native-svg-parser'
const svgString = `<svg height="100" width="100">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" class="red-circle" />
const cssString = `
.red-circle {
fill: red;
stroke: black;
stroke-width: 3;
const svgNode = ReactNativeSvgParser(svgString, cssString, {width: 111, height: 222})
.... // (will render a red circle with a black stroke)
render() {
return <View>
{ svgNode }
In order to test and develop locally you will need to install the peer dependencies (React and React Native). However, we have you covered. Just run this command:
npm run install-peers
Then you can run test lint and build using this command:
npm run ci
On v5.5.1 react-native-svg enforced prop type of "object" on transform attribute. However, as of v6.0.0 this is changed to:
transform: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.string])
Therefore, the minimum version compatibility for this libaray with react-native-svg
is version 6.0.0.
Fixed text node rendering.