
Hangman System Design

Primary LanguageHTML

Hangaman Spring Boot Service

Hangman service exposes three REST API endpoints

  • API to start new game
  • API to retrieve started game
  • API to modify the game state by guessing new character

Starting the service

Start service from command line using Gradle or from with-in the IDE

./gradlew bootRun

API Design

  1. Start new game API
    • Method: POST
    • Uri: : http:/localhost:80801/hangman
    • Status Codes: 200 (Ok), 404 (NOT_FOUND), 400 (BAD_REQUEST)
    • Sample Response:
      • { "stateId": "b5edb1be-3675-4fc1-90d3-18c332b97b70", "wrongGuesses": "", "guessesLeft": 10, "solved": false, "gameSolution": "__________"}
  2. Retrieve game API
    • Method: GET
    • Uri: : http:/localhost:80801/hangman/{stateid}
    • Status Codes: 200 (Ok), 404 (NOT_FOUND), 400 (BAD_REQUEST)
    • Sample Response:
      • { "stateId": "b5edb1be-3675-4fc1-90d3-18c332b97b70", "wrongGuesses": "x", "guessesLeft": 9, "solved": false, "gameSolution": "ha_______"}
  3. Make a guess API
    • Method: PUT
    • Uri: : http:/localhost:80801/hangman/{stateid}/{guess}
    • Status Codes: 200 (Ok), 404 (NOT_FOUND), 400 (BAD_REQUEST)
    • Sample Response:
      • { "stateId": "b5edb1be-3675-4fc1-90d3-18c332b97b70", "wrongGuesses": "xkl", "guessesLeft": 5, "solved": true, "gameSolution": "hangman"}


  • Assuming the service is to be run in a clustered environment behind load balancer
  • Perhaps adding API Gateway layer for routing, throttling (by ip), monitoring, analytics and security
  • Distributable caching layer (write around cache) with LRU eviction policy to maintain hot games in cache


  • Obvious choice is NoSql DB, since we don't need JOINS and transaction ACID kind of properties to persist game/game state, using stateId as partition key
    • Three replicas/replication factor for failover
    • Schema:
      • stateid: UUID (partition key)
      • content: Varchar
      • expire_time
    • Enforce time to live for automatic cleanup of stale data (30 days) based on expire_time