
Custom title bar for electron using React

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Emulate OS X window titlebar using ES6 and React. Extracted from kapetan/titlebar.


npm run demo-dev

how looks

Example how looks

how to use it

npm install --save react-titlebar-osx
import { Titlebar } from 'react-titlebar-osx';
   text="Awesome tool"
   onClose={() => this.handleClose()}
   onMaximize={() => this.handleMaximize()}
   onFullscreen={() => this.handleFullscreen()}
   onMinimize={() => this.handleMinimize()}


  • draggable (default false): Enable dragging.
  • transparent (default false): Transparent background.
  • text: Enable centered text.
  • padding: Add more space to the top and bottom.
  • onClose: (required) called when close is clicked.
  • onMinimize: (required) called when minimized is clicked.
  • onMaximize: (required) called when maximize is clicked.
  • onFullscreen: (required) called when fullscreen is clicked.