
Rusty-Redis is a learning-focused reimplementation of the Redis in-memory data structure store, built entirely in Rust. This project aims to explore and demonstrate the internals of Redis while leveraging Rust's powerful features for safety and concurrency.

Primary LanguageRust


Rusty-Redis is a learning-focused reimplementation of the Redis in-memory data structure store, built entirely in Rust. This project aims to explore and demonstrate the internals of Redis while leveraging Rust's powerful features for safety and concurrency.


  1. Full reimplementation of Redis in Rust.
  2. Support for core Redis data structures: strings, lists, sets, hashes, and sorted sets.
  3. Learning-focused codebase with clear and concise implementations.
  4. Basic networking for handling client connections and message encoding/decoding.
  5. Simple persistence mechanisms for learning purposes.
  6. Examples and documentation to aid in understanding Redis and Rust.

Rusty-Redis Modules


  • Handles startup, shutdown, and main event loop.
  • Manages client connections and command processing.


  • Manages TCP connections.
  • Implements RESP for message encoding/decoding.

Data Structures

  • Implements core data structures: strings, lists, sets, hashes, sorted sets.


  • Implements logic for Redis commands (e.g., GET, SET, LPUSH, SADD).
  • Maps commands to data structure operations.


  • Manages data persistence (RDB snapshots, AOF).
  • Handles saving/loading data to/from disk.


  • Implements publish/subscribe system.
  • Manages channels and message distribution.


  • Supports Redis transactions with MULTI/EXEC.
  • Ensures atomic command execution.


  • Provides Lua scripting support.
  • Handles script execution and integration.

Logging and Metrics

  • Implements logging for events, errors, and commands.
  • Collects server performance metrics.


  • Manages server configuration options.
  • Loads and validates configurations.


  • Provides utility functions and helpers.
  • Includes error handling, data encoding/decoding.

Folder Structure

├── src/
│   ├── main.rs                  // Entry point of the application
│   ├── server.rs                // Server management
│   ├── networking.rs            // Networking module
│   ├── data_structures/         // Core data structures
│   │   ├── strings.rs
│   │   ├── lists.rs
│   │   ├── sets.rs
│   │   ├── hashes.rs
│   │   └── sorted_sets.rs
│   ├── commands.rs              // Command handling
│   ├── storage.rs               // Persistence mechanisms
│   ├── pubsub.rs                // Pub/Sub system
│   ├── transactions.rs          // Transaction support
│   ├── scripting.rs             // Lua scripting
│   ├── logging.rs               // Logging and metrics
│   ├── configuration.rs         // Configuration management
│   └── utils.rs                 // Utility functions and helpers
├── Cargo.toml                   // Project dependencies and metadata
└── README.md                    // Project description and documentation