a breif instructions on hoe to use couchdb(or any nosql) with a python framework
couch = couchdb.Server('http://your_username:password@localhost:5984')
we can select the database we want to operate as db=couch['passenger'] ie, here the database passenger is selected
for item in db.view('_design/pass/_view/new-view'): if(item.key == username): if(item.value['password']==password): print('successfully logined') else: print("wrong password") else: print("username does not exists")
doc_id, doc_rev = db.save({'key': 'value'})
db.get(doc_id) doc = db[doc_id]
the only way to do it is to delete privious doc and add new doc with the updated data with same id doc=db[id] doc_updated={new data} db.delete(doc) db.save(doc-updated) db["my_document_id"] = {'key': doc}