
A quick starter setup that I use to kick off a simple web app or web site.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A quick starter setup that I use to kick off a simple jquery-based web app or site. The basics only- it does not include any front end frameworks or much in the way of boilerplate.


The included Gruntfile has the following tasks registered:

  1. Default - runs the watch and LiveReload command. Watches for changes in SCSS files and generates CSS files. Watches for changes in JS files and concatenates/uglifies.
  2. Check - runs JSHint and Jasmine on JS files. I haven't included any Jasmine specs in this starter template.
  3. Build - runs concatenate, uglify, and SASS.

Includes a simple index file and javascript/SCSS to get started with.

Updates coming soon:

  • Mixins for SASS
  • More vars for SASS
  • Include sample specs/tests for Jasmine