
My default Laravel 4.2 setup.

Primary LanguagePHP


My default Laravel 4.2 setup, ready for creating a site with user setup/authentication and/or RESTful web services. This is the setup I use to kick off most of my Laravel based projects where RESTful services and user roles/authentication are high priority.



1. Config


Providers have been updated to include the following:


Aliases have been updated to include the following:

'Carbon'        => 'Carbon\Carbon',
'Confide' 			=> 'Zizaco\Confide\Facade',
'Entrust'    		=> 'Zizaco\Entrust\EntrustFacade',

2. Bootstrap


Updated detect environment at line 27 to distinguish between production and development depending on location:

$env = $app->detectEnvironment(array(

	'local' => array('*.local','*localhost*'),
    'production' => array('*.com', '*.net', '*.ie')


3. composer.json


Important! This file has been updated to include the packages I have listed above.


app/views/layouts app/views/users

I have included some starter templates for general and user-related layouts. The user related layouts utilise the Confide package to generate forms.

5. Models


I have updated the User model to utilise Confide.

6. Migrations


Migration files for Entrust and Confide are generated and ready for migration once the database has been configured.

#Installation Instructions

  1. Download or clone the laravel-setup directory and rename it as per your naming scheme.
  2. Update your database details as per the Laravel docs: http://laravel.com/docs/4.2/database
  3. Generate the api-guard migration using composer: $ php artisan migrate --package="chrisbjr/api-guard"
  4. Migrate the databases for Confide and Sentry: $ php artisan migrate
  5. If you wish, you can update the UsersController or Confide's configuration to point to the Bootstrapped user views located at app/layout/users.
  6. Set up the email configuration to your preference.
  7. Configure the various packages as per their docs.

Coming soon:

  • API-Guard Controllers, integrated with Confide
  • Example API/RESTful service Controller
  • Extra views/generic layouts
  • Mail configuration