
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Scrum Saver

Important links to the app

Main Page: http://demointernhack2019.mybluemix.net/
Login Page: http://demointernhack2019.mybluemix.net/login/
Register Page: http://demointernhack2019.mybluemix.net/register/

Features implemented:
Recording audio from android app
Sending the audio to backend server written in Django
Storing the audio file in IBM Cloud
Querying IBM Watson for speech to text conversion of the audio file recorded
Displaying the audio file and the transcript in the webapp

Features incomplete/to implement:
Register and login on webapp - backend and frontend code is ready, integration is pending
Summarizing the scrum
Advanced search/filter on text converted from audio

There are times when you cannot recall what was discussed in the scrum meetings and don’t really want to go back and ask the same question again Or maybe you missed a scrum meeting and want to be updated about what is going on

ScrumSaverapplication is a savior and friendly application that helps users to review and save transcripts of a scrum meeting that can be accessed at all times. Having a audio conversation as a transcript is a convenient way to access and store the important information for future access.

ScrumSaver WebAppcan be used to register team andaddteam members. You can login into the webapp and viewall the previous recordings and thecorrespondingtranscripts of the scrum. Also itseasy to search for the keywordsspokenin thescrum through theconverted text.It saves the recordings sent from theandroid app to the IBM Cloud Storageandcalls the IBM WatsonAPI for speech to textconversionand then sends an email to all the team members.•ScrumSaver Mobile Appcan be used to login using the team credentials , record the scrumand upload the recording to the server

ScrumSaver Mobile App can be used to login using the team credentials , record the scrumand upload the recording to the server