This repository contains SPICE implementation and simulation of several Analog filters studied in the course Analog Filter Design, ECD07, NSIT, by Prof. Raj Senani.
Please find detaied experiment reports in project specific
NOTE: Experiments before these were hardware experiments that were performed in LAB and those are not documented here.
EXP 7: Current-mode biquad using a current conveyor (CC II+)
1. Verify that the circuit shown in Figure 2 realizes a low pass, bandpass and high pass
filter as follows:
a. Low pass: i1 = i3 = 0, i2 = iin
b. Band pass: i1 = i2 =0, i3 = iin
c. High pass: i1 = -i2 and i3 = i1(R1/R2)(1 + C2/C1)
2. Discuss Limitations of the circuit
3. Comment upon if this is the only single CCII/single CFOA circuit which can realise
an Universal filter?
4. Find out by searching the literature if there is any similar circuit known which can.
realise universal filter using a single CCII/CFOA in voltage mode i.e inputs and
output both being voltages rather than currents?