
CNNs for semantic segmentation and monocular depth estimation in Pytorch with cross experiments and saliency map analysis

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


CNNs for semantic segmentation and monocular depth estimation in Pytorch with cross task experiments, with pixel-wise saliency maps for evaluation of differences in activation range and activation density between two tasks

Semantic segmentation

Monocular Depth Estimation

Cross experiments between two tasks:

Test above 6 networks both for semantic segmentation and monocular depth estimation. Segmentation evaluated on Cityscapes and KITTI semantics, monocular depth estimation evaluated on KITTI raw data.

Dataloaders for seg and depth

  • Cityscapes (only implemented for segmentation)
  • KITTI (for segmentation and depth)


config file

Augmentation and lr_schedule are both set to None in our experiments, so they are not tested. Just list them here in case you need it.

# Model Configuration
    arch: <name> [options: 'fcn8s, frrn[A,B], segnet, deeplab, dispnet, fcrn'
task: [options: 'seg', 'depth']
# Data Configuration
    dataset: <name> [options: 'cityscapes, kitti'] 
    train_split: <split_to_train_on>
    val_split: <split_to_validate_on>
    test_split: <split_to_test_on>
    img_rows: <img_height>
    img_cols: <img_width>
    path: <path/to/data>

# Training Configuration
    train_iters: 200000
    batch_size: 2
    val_interval: 1500
    n_workers: 2
    print_interval: 300
        name: <loss_type> [options for seg: 'cross_entropy, bootstrapped_cross_entropy'][options for depth: 'l1_loss', 'berhu_loss', 'huber_loss', 'scale_invariant_loss']
    # Optmizer Configuration
        name: <optimizer_name> [options: 'sgd, adam, adamax, asgd, adadelta, adagrad, rmsprop']
        lr: 1.0e-4
    # Augmentations Configuration
        gamma: x                                     #[gamma varied in 1 to 1+x]
        hue: x                                       #[hue varied in -x to x]
        brightness: x                                #[brightness varied in 1-x to 1+x]
        saturation: x                                #[saturation varied in 1-x to 1+x]
        contrast: x                                  #[contrast varied in 1-x to 1+x]
        rcrop: [h, w]                                #[crop of size (h,w)]
        translate: [dh, dw]                          #[reflective translation by (dh, dw)]
        rotate: d                                    #[rotate -d to d degrees]
        scale: [h,w]                                 #[scale to size (h,w)]
        ccrop: [h,w]                                 #[center crop of (h,w)]
        hflip: p                                     #[flip horizontally with chance p]
        vflip: p                                     #[flip vertically with chance p]

    # LR Schedule Configuration
        name: <schedule_type> [options: 'constant_lr, poly_lr, multi_step, cosine_annealing, exp_lr']

    # Resume from checkpoint  
    resume: <path_to_checkpoint>

    trained_model: <path_to_model_for_test>

Prepare KITTI training data for depth estimation

Compute depth ground truth for KITTI raw data, leading to around 44k images, 30k for training and 14k for validation

python kitti_train_depth_prepare/prepare_train_data.py --dataset_dir /path/to/raw/kitti/dataset/ --dump-root /path/to/resulting/formatted/data/ --width 832 --height 256 --num-threads 4 [--static-frames /path/to/static_frames.txt] 

For training (segmentation and depth):

python train.py --config path/to/configFile 

For segmentation validation:

For Cityscapes: evaluation on the official validation set For KITTI: split 20% of the training set for validation

python validate_seg.py  --config path/to/config/file  --model_path path/to/trained/model

For depth test:

Evaluated on Eigen test split of 697 images:

python test_depth_kitti.py --model_name MODEL_NAME --model_path path/to/model --img_height 256 --img_width 832 --dataset_dir path/to/kitti/raw/data --dataset_list path/to/test/data/list/file [--pred_disp] 

  --model_name   options: ["fcn", "frrnA", "segnet", "deeplab", "dispnet", "fcrn"]
  --pred_disp    only set for dispnet

Evaluated on cityscapes test set of 1532 images:

python test_depth_cityscapes.py --config path/to/configFile 

  --config        config file includes model name, task, model path, etc., set 'test_split' argument to 'test' and trained_model argument

Here the img_height and img_width need to match the training settings of the evaluated model.

Pixel-wise saliency map visulization

We compute a saliency map for a target pixel, to represent whether each pixel in the input image is utilized by the model to predict value for the target pixel. Below is an example. In the example, the red star is the target pixel in the input image, and the yellow point in the saliency map. (for a clearer visualization of target pixel location) sample_results sample_results

run the code to get saliency map for a certain pixel in an input image.

python demo_saliency.py --image_path /path/to/an/image --model_name fcn --task seg --model_path /path/to/trained/model --height 256 --width 832 --pos_i 80 --pos_j 100 

  --model_name    options: ["fcn", "frrnA", "segnet", "deeplab", "dispnet", "fcrn"]
  --task          options: ["seg", "depth"]
  --pos_i         y_coordinate for the target pixel
  --pos_j         x_coordinate for the target pixel

pixel-wise saliency map evaluation

We compute a saliency map for pixel pixel by all models we trained on KITTI segmentation and depth. Three metrics are designed for evaluation and we find out depth estimation pixels with a larger range with a larger activation density than segmentation from the input image, i.e., extract more input information. Run saliency_analysis.py to get saliency evaluation results analysis and histogram visualization.

python saliency_eval.py --model_name fcn --task seg --model_path /path/to/trained/model --height 256 --width 832 --sample_rate 4 --num_image 100

  --model_name    options: ["fcn", "frrnA", "segnet", "deeplab", "dispnet", "fcrn"]
  --task          options: ["seg", "depth"]
  --num_image     number of pixels to evaluate
  --sample_rate   sample one pixel to calculate saliency map every 4 pixels in x-direction and y-direction in the image
python saliency_iou.py --model_name fcn --model_seg_path /path/to/trained/seg/model --model_depth_path /path/to/trained/depth/model --height 256 --width 832 --sample_rate 4 --num_image 100

segmentation / depth estimation results

Segmentation results are evaluated on Cityscapes validation set and KITTI semantics validation set. Depth results are evaluated on Eigen split test set from KITTI raw data.

Segmentation on Cityscapes val set:

FCN SegNet FRRN A DeepLab v2 FCRN DispNet
batch size 2 2 3 4 4 4
mIoU 67.2% 59.0% 64.2% 68.6% 64.9% 51.0%

Segmentation on KITTI semantics val set with resolution 256*832 and batch size 4:

FCN SegNet FRRN A DeepLab v2 FCRN DispNet
mIoU 64.6% 52.7% 66.8% 61.8% 60.9% 45.0%

Monocular depth estimatino on cityscapes test set with batch size 2:

FCN SegNet FRRN A DeepLab v2 FCRN DispNet
resolution 512*1024 512*1024 256*512 512*1024 512*1024 512*1024
rel 0.109 0.122 0.117 0.109 0.109 0.160
sq_rel 1.041 1.281 1.297 0.976 1.045 2.147
rms 6.205 7.227 6.699 6.016 6.186 8.405
log_rms 0.171 0.214 0.183 0.166 0.170 0.240
delta<1.25 0.863 0.836 0.855 0.871 0.866 0.777
delta<1.25^2 0.966 0.953 0.960 0.970 0.968 0.922
delta<1.25^3 0.990 0.984 0.987 0.991 0.990 0.970

Monocular depth estimation on KITTI Eigen split with resolution 256*832 and batch size 4:

FCN SegNet FRRN A DeepLab v2 FCRN DispNet
rel 0.106 0.110 0.115 0.106 0.105 0.134
sq_rel 0.644 0.695 0.714 0.648 0.734 0.914
rms 4.450 4.738 4.627 4.381 5.040 5.024
log_rms 0.176 0.184 0.187 0.173 0.193 0.212
delta<1.25 0.863 0.854 0.846 0.869 0.856 0.818
delta<1.25^2 0.960 0.947 0.953 0.962 0.953 0.939
delta<1.25^3 0.987 0.985 0.985 0.988 0.982 0.977

See specific preprocessing procedure in the data loaders.


This repo benefits a lot from: https://github.com/meetshah1995/pytorch-semseg and https://github.com/ClementPinard/SfmLearner-Pytorch, many thanks to authors of them.