
Tracktion Engine module

Primary LanguageC++

master: Build Status

develop: Build Status


Welcome to the Tracktion Engine repository!

The aim of Tracktion Engine is to provide a high level data model and set of classes for building sequence based audio applications. You can build anything from a simple file-player or sequencer to a full blown DAW.

Supported Platforms
  • macOS
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Raspberry PI
  • iOS
  • Android

Getting Started

Tracktion Engine is supplied as a JUCE module so it can easily fit in to an existing JUCE application. You'll find the module code under modules/tracktion_engine. Additionally, JUCE is added as a Git Submodule here in order to build the examples.

To start with, clone the repo and recurse the submodules:

$ git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/Tracktion/tracktion_engine.git


Example projects are located in /examples. Because these are provided as JUCE PIPs, the Projucer needs to be built to generate the projects. This can be easily done with the scripts contained in /tests.

$ cd tests/mac
$ ./generate_examples

generate_examples will build the Projucer and generate the project files for you. Alternatively you can run the build_examples script to build the examples as well, ready to run.

Once the example projects have been generated or built you can find them in examples/projects. Start with the PitchAndTimeDemo or StepSequencerDemo to see some basic apps in action.


Once you're ready to dive in to the code, open the IDE files and have a read through the tutorials in /tutorials. You can view these on GitHub here to see the rendered Markdown.


Tracktion Engine is covered by a GPL/Commercial license.

There are multiple commercial licensing tiers for Tracktion Engine, with different terms for each. For prices, see the Tracktion Developers Page.