
Remixer is a set of Android libraries and protocols to allow live adjustment of apps and prototypes during the development process.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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Remixer helps teams use and refine design specs by providing an abstraction for these values that is accessible and configurable from both inside and outside the app itself.

This SDK for Android is currently in development.

New to Remixer? Visit our main repo to get a full description of what it is and how it works.

Project structure

The project is defined as a gradle project with submodules.

  • remixer_core: The core framework code, has no dependencies on the android framework and contains the core logic to run callbacks on changes to a Variable, etc. Most of the base classes are here
    • main: The code for the core framework
    • tests: JUnit tests for the Remixer code.
  • remixer_ui: The code that shows remixes in the UI.
    • main
      • com.google.android.libraries.remixer.ui.view is the code to display the UI as a BottomSheetFragmentDialog
      • com.google.android.libraries.remixer.ui.widget is a family of widgets that can display each individual Remixer item (variable or trigger).
      • com.google.android.libraries.remixer.ui.widget.RemixerItemWidget is an Interface to implement such widgets. Necessary if you want to provide different widgets.
      • com.google.android.libraries.remixer.ui.RemixerCallbacks is an implementation of Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks that clears up callbacks once the corresponding activity is destroyed so it doesn't leak. It needs to be registered in the Application.onCreate() method.
    • tests: JUnit/Robolectric tests.
  • remixer_annotation: An annotation processor to make it easier to add remixes to your code.
    • main: The annotation processing code.
    • tests: JUnit tests based on actual classes to compile.
  • remixer_example: This is an example app.
    • main: the code for the example app

Try it in your app!

Disclaimer: Remixer still hasn't reached a stage that we consider is stable enough to commit to the current status of the API, it will be evolving quickly and we may commit breaking changes every once in a while. That said, we would love to have you try it out and tell us what you think is missing and what you'd like us to focus on.

Set up dependencies

Using gradle it's super easy to start using Remixer following these instructions.

In your main build.gradle file make sure you have the following dependencies and repositories set up:

buildscript {
  dependencies {
    classpath 'com.neenbedankt.gradle.plugins:android-apt:1.8'

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }

And in your modules, apply the android-apt plugin and add the remixer dependency:

apply plugin: 'android-apt'

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.material-foundation.material-remixer-android:remixer:0.5.2'

Notice the dependency on remixer_annotation is a provided clause instead of compile, this is on purpose as this is not a regular dependency but a compiler plugin.

Global remixer set up

If you have not subclassed the application class it is recommended you do it since this is a one-time global initialization.

In your application class you need to call the Remixer initialization method. Remember this application class MUST be (declared in your Android Manifest)[https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/application-element.html#nm].

import android.app.Application;
import com.google.android.libraries.remixer.Remixer;
import com.google.android.libraries.remixer.storage.LocalStorage;
import com.google.android.libraries.remixer.ui.RemixerInitialization;

class MyApplication extends Application {
  public void onCreate() {
    RemixerInitialization.initRemixer(Remixer.getInstance(), this);
    Remixer.getInstance().setSynchronizationMechanism(new LocalStorage(getApplicationContext()));

The line that calls setSynchronizationMechanism makes Remixer values persistent using SharedPreferences. If you would not like to persist values remove this line.

How to use it in an activity

Only in the activities where you're using remixer

You need to add a few lines at the end of your Activity.onCreate()

  1. RemixerBinder.bind(this); creates, initializes and sets up all the Variables and trigger you define in this activity.
  2. RemixerFragment remixerFragment = RemixerFragment.newInstance(); creates the fragment that will be shown when remixer is invoked, then you need at least one of the following:
  • A variation of remixerFragment.attachToGesture(this, Direction.UP, 3);, this example ties showing the Remixer Fragment on a 3-finger swipe up.
  • remixerFragment.attachToButton(this, someButtonObject);, this makes the OnClickListener for a button open the Remixer fragment.

Your Activity.onCreate may look like this:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  remixerButton = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button);
  RemixerFragment remixerFragment = RemixerFragment.newInstance();
  remixerFragment.attachToGesture(this, Direction.UP, 3);
  remixerFragment.attachToButton(this, remixerButton);

Define variables

In order to define variables you only need to write methods that take one argument of the correct type and annotate them. The methods contain your logic to handle changes to these variables (update the UI accordingly). You can rest assured those methods will run in the main UI thread.

There are a few very simple examples here, but you should look at the example activities and documentation for these annotations for more information.

Once you add your annotated methods and build you should be able to invoke remixer (by doing a 3 finger swipe or clicking a button, depending on how you configured it in the section above), and tweak the variables or trigger the events guarded by the trigger.

Range variables

Note: for the time being they only support Integers, not floats or doubles.

They support the following properties:

  • key the key for this variable, you can use it to share the same value across activities, if not set it assumes the method name.
  • title the displayable name of the variable, if not set assumes key
  • defaultValue the initial value, if not set assumes 0 or minValue if 0 is out of range.
  • minValue the minimum value, if not set assumes 0
  • maxValue the maximum value, if not set assumes 100
  • increment the increment between two steps of the range, 1 by default.
  • layoutId a layoutId to display this, must implement RemixerItemWidget. It assumes a sensible default if unset.

A Range variable that goes from 15 to 70 and starts at 20 by default:

    minValue = 15, maxValue = 70, defaultValue = 20)
public void setFontSize(Integer fontSize) {

(Notice how integer variables take Integer and not int, this is a limitation on the Java type system)

Boolean Variable

They support the following properties:

  • key the key for this variable, you can use it to share the same value across activities, if not set it assumes the method name.
  • title the displayable name of the variable, if not set assumes key
  • defaultValue the initial value, if not set assumes false
  • layoutId a layoutId to display this, must implement RemixerItemWidget. It assumes a sensible default if unset.

A Boolean variable that has true as a default value:

@BooleanVariableMethod(defaultValue = true, key = "someRemixerKey")
public void setUseNewDialog(Boolean useNewDialog) {

(Notice how boolean variables take Boolean and not boolean, this is a limitation on the Java type system)

String List Variable

They support the following properties:

  • key the key for this variable, you can use it to share the same value across activities, if not set it assumes the method name.
  • title the displayable name of the variable, if not set assumes key
  • defaultValue the initial value, if not set assumes the first in the possibleValues list
  • possibleValues the list of possible values.
  • layoutId a layoutId to display this, must implement RemixerItemWidget. It assumes a sensible default if unset.

A String List variable that sets fonts from a list and defaults to the first in the list:

    title = "Title font",
    possibleValues = {"Roboto", "Roboto Mono", "Comic Sans MS"})
public void setTitleFont(String fontName) {
String Variable
  • key the key for this variable, you can use it to share the same value across activities, if not set it assumes the method name.
  • title the displayable name of the variable, if not set assumes key
  • defaultValue the initial value, if not set assumes the empty string.
  • layoutId a layoutId to display this, must implement RemixerItemWidget. It assumes a sensible default if unset.

A String variable that sets freeform example text:

public void setExampleText(String exampleText) {
Integer List Variable
  • key the key for this variable, you can use it to share the same value across activities, if not set it assumes the method name.
  • title the displayable name of the variable, if not set assumes key
  • defaultValue the initial value, if not set assumes the first in the possibleValues list
  • possibleValues the list of possible values.
  • layoutId a layoutId to display this, must implement RemixerItemWidget. It assumes a sensible default if unset.

A variable that lets you pick colors from a list, this example uses a custom layout id to guarantee that it's treated as a Color:

    title = "Title Color",
    possibleValues = {Color.parseColor("#000000"), Color.parseColor("#DCDCDC")},
    layoutId = R.layout.color_list_variable_widget)
public void setTitleColor(Integer color) {
  • key the key for this trigger, you can use it to share the same value across activities, if not set it assumes the method name.
  • title the displayable name of the trigger, if not set assumes key
  • layoutId a layoutId to display this, must implement RemixerItemWidget. It assumes a sensible default if unset.

A trigger to simulate an event happening:

public void simulateConnectionFailure() {


  1. Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/material-foundation/material-remixer-android.git
  2. You have two options here:
  3. Open it on Android Studio and build from there.
  4. run ./gradlew build on your terminal (gradlew.bat build on Windows). * This assumes that you have a copy of the android SDK and, * That you have exported a ANDROID_HOME environment variable that points to your SDK install (the directory that contains subdirectories such as tools, platform-tools, etc.)
    • If you use Android Studio on a mac that defaults to /Users/<yourusername>/Library/Android/sdk
    • In this case you can put export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/<yourusername>/Library/Android/sdk in your ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile as appropriate.)

Installing the example app

If you're reading this you're probably installing the app from the terminal as opposed to Android Studio. adb install -r remixer_example/build/outputs/apk/remixer_example-debug.apk

State of development

Visit our State of Development wiki for the current roadmap and status of development for each platform.


The main Remixer GitHub repo for documentation, project tracking, and general information:

Platform specific libraries and tools can be found in the following GitHub repos:

  • iOS - Remixer for iOS.
  • Web - Remixer for Web.
  • Web Remote - Remixer web remote controller for all platforms (available soon).

Is material-foundation affiliated with Google?

Yes, the material-foundation organization is one of Google's new homes for tools and frameworks related to our Material Design system. Please check out our blog post Design is Never Done for more information regarding Material Design and how Remixer integrates with the system.


We gladly welcome contributions! If you have found a bug, have questions, or wish to contribute, please follow our Contributing Guidelines.


© Google, 2016. Licensed under an Apache-2 license.