Code for Interpretable Counting for Visual Question Answering for ICLR 2018 reproducibility challenge.
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- aiman-alghamdi
- ciamplucaISTI CNR
- farleylaiQualcomm Technology Inc.
- fengzifrank
- Hadlay-ZhangNew York University
- jamyong
- jvalinsky
- Kerry-zzxUniversity of Groningen
- mengdi-liKAUST
- sanyam5Georgia Institute of Technology
- singhbhupender1Northeastern University
- wddwgzz
- yudf2010University of Science and Technology of China
- zephyrzilla@servicenow
- zhangry868Adobe Research
- ZHAOZHIHAOuniversity of Oklahoma
- zhouyiyiXiamen University
- zz-zhangTokyo