sudo apt install openssl libssl-dev
- Run the following command to activate tracker server
g++ -o tracker tracker.cpp -lpthread
./tracker <my_tracker_ip>:<my_tracker_port> <other_tracker_ip>:<other_tracker_port> <seederlist_file>
- Run the following command to activate client server in client directory.
g++ -o client client.cpp get_file.cpp remove_file.cpp seeder.cpp share_file.cpp socket.cpp torrent_creater.cpp -lpthread -lssl -lcrypto
- It share the file over the network and can be accessible through mtorrent file.
share <local_file_path> .<file_extension>.mtorrent
- It downloads the file mentioned in mtorrent from available seeder.
get <path_to_.mtorrent_file> <destination_path>
- Check which files are Downloaded.
remove <filename.mtorrent>