Hi,guys ,this is a android logcat library based on Lynx,so you can show your Android logcat in a float view .But it’s different. I think it is more
useful for hybrid app. Because it's very simple to import it and don't need other jars.
Firstly,I am so sorry for my screenshots gif.It's too big , so I have to translate them to the end.
##Add it to your project
There are two ways to use this lib.
- Just import this model to your project , but do't forget change your build.gradle and setting.gradle.
- Cd the list of my logmodel, and execute "./gradlew makeJar"(if it does't work , please use gradle makeJar) on the console.There will be build a jar(log.jar) in the libs list.
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.sanyinchen:LogView:v1.0'
It's very simple to use this lib.You should add two line codes to your activity.
such as:
LogWindow logWindow = new LogWindow(this, getApplication());
Please be careful this , you need a promise to execute your application:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW" />
Yes,it's onlely need one piece of promise and two code lines.No more other jars.
I think it's very import for a finished project.Because we usually don't want to import too much jars that we don't need in release.
- Thanks for Lynx,it‘s a very nice job.
- If you have any question,please email to me(My email:sanyinchen@gmail.com)
- Welcome to subscribe my google+