use vue plugin easy create chrome extension template
- 1
#45 opened by changyongyong - 2
Content css not working in build production
#21 opened by Applicafroguy - 1
i18n Internationalization Support
#44 opened by iriarte300 - 3
[BUG] Unable to use images
#42 opened by frostcodes - 5
Hot Reload - Feature request
#36 opened by sherifmayika - 1
- 4
[BUG] multiple content file copied to "js" folder and html file for content file
#40 opened by sherifmayika - 2
[BUG] cant import constants from popups.js
#41 opened by sherifmayika - 1
firebase support
#37 opened by sherifmayika - 3
[BUG] The CSP 'script-src:' contains one or more invalid characters & Uncaught EvalError:
#39 opened by sherifmayika - 2
copy inject scripts - feature request
#38 opened by sherifmayika - 2
TypeError: api.afterInvoke is not a function
#35 opened by hashpoker - 3
Unchecked runtime. lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.
#34 opened by kiwiflydream - 1
[BUG] Cannot resolve './src'
#33 opened by shash7 - 3
[BUG] New setup CopyPlugin
#28 opened by Mikaleb - 2
#31 opened by fanghg2018 - 1
- 3
[BUG] Typescript support ?
#27 opened by Mikaleb - 1
Service workers have to be in root directory
#24 opened by TheSynt4x - 0
How to add a Vue component within content script?
#25 opened by bytrix - 3
#15 opened by Gsonovb - 1
ValidationError: CopyPlugin Invalid Options
#23 opened by Cydmi - 3
DeprecationWarning: Compilation.assets will be frozen in future, all modifications are deprecated.
#19 opened by lucadalli - 1
Instruction on how to add more content scripts for different matches
#18 opened by masterprogrammer999 - 3
Chrome manifest 3 version
#14 opened by leodev87 - 4
- 2
- 4
- 3
- 6
[BUG] Cannot add dev tool panel
#1 opened by Elvincth