ChatGPT Jeopardy!

A Streamlit app to play Jeopardy!

Game Modes

  • Contestant vs JArchive (Default) - Questions are randomly pulled from JArchive and posed to Contestant
  • Contestant vs ChatGPT - Questions are generated by ChatGPT and posed to Contestant
  • ChatGPT vs Archive - Questions are pulled from JArchive and posed to ChatGPT
  • ChatGPT vs World - Questions are input to ChatGPT from UI

To Do (based on discussions with Alex Blanton)

  • Show contestant name in app
  • Set limit on number of questions for contestant (say 3) - rather than lives.
  • First round: Contestant vs JArchive: 3 questions
  • Second round: Contestant vs ChatGPT: 3 questions
  • Maybe combine in same screen, so scores can be added?
  • Final round: Contestant gets to ask ChatGPT 3 questions. ChatGPT points are inverse of contestant. Contestant gets points if ChatGPT answers incorrectly, loses points if ChatGPT answers correctly.

To Do

  • Allow changing LLM model between OpenAI model versions (for ChatGPT question generation and answering)
  • Echo explanations from LangChain on UI rather than console
  • Allow using Substrate API (rather than personal keys)
  • Provide more control on Categories when questions are pulled from JArchive.
    • Allow selection of Categories