
It is a Remote Desktop Control app like AnyDesk , TeamViewer.

Primary LanguageJava

GrabDesk Is a remote Desktop control application.

It is an intellij project created on 2021.1.3.

I used javafx software platform. But for Simplify, i also use awt Swing also,for home page design.

The project has three package named client , server , gui.

Client is responsible for the controlling Desktop and the uml diagram of client package

Client UML

it will open a new javafx window. and main java file is client.gui.GuiMain.java

Server is responsible for the being controlled Desktop and the uml diagram for client package

Server UML

gui package is for start client.gui.GuiMain.java on a java Swing . and server.Main.java.

How gui package is connected with client nd server is given bellow.


How to Set Up the project.

first clone the GrabDesk project ,

Open the project to the intellij , it will give you some errors, like this. First Open Project

This error is the javaFx module not found err, it is because javaFx in third party module So we have to add it on our Dependency Library. As also have to add VirtualMachine Option.

  • Download javaFx library click here

  • Extract the file

  • and copy the lib file path ie. "C:\Users\sanzid\Downloads\Compressed\openjfx-16_windows-x64_bin-sdk\javafx-sdk-16\lib"

Then go to the intellij


then on the application select GuiMain.java ,and click on modify option

modify Options

then add vm option

VM Option

on the vm option past bellow text , Give Your own path where you downloaded javafx till lib


Then Go to the project structure or just Ctrl+Alt+Sift+s .

then go to library and click on add , select java,

Add library

then select all the javafx jar on the lib folder (Downloaded previously)

Add Javafx jar then apply and then again run the Main.java on the src folder.