
Disclaimer: This app was completed within a weekend, then later migrated to Swift 5 just so it could run. It is no longer being worked on.

Are you a potato and want to get your steps in?

Then this is the app for you!

  • Step 1: Set a step goal.
  • Step 2: Complete step goal.

Two steps and you've run a marathon!

Automatic Daily Step Goal Completion

With background app refresh turned on, the app is able to automatically complete your step goal! The system decides on when to fire background events based on when the user uses the app, so this feature is not a sure thing. The goal is to be able to never open the app.


A Today Widget with a big button to complete your step goal! Never open the app again! Check your step count and complete your steps all in one little widget.

Future Features

  • A date picker so you can complete steps for any given day. Helpful if for some reason steps were not completed the day before.
  • An amazing UI
  • Launch the app from widget
  • Themes