
useful scripts for EHT observations at LMT

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

LMT Scripts

useful scripts for EHT observations at LMT



print ADC core stats, note default integration time is 10s which gives a very rough measurement (mean to ~0.5)

oper@Mark6-4047:~/lindy$ python corestats.py
IF0 Core 0: mean  0.16 std 40.80
IF0 Core 1: mean  0.54 std 40.93
IF0 Core 2: mean  0.68 std 41.00
IF0 Core 3: mean  0.25 std 40.98
IF1 Core 0: mean  0.38 std 41.83
IF1 Core 1: mean  0.37 std 41.99
IF1 Core 2: mean  0.23 std 41.97
IF1 Core 3: mean  0.44 std 41.85


print module disk information (SSCI, SAS, device, partition label)

oper@Mark6-4047:~/lindy$ su
root@Mark6-4047:/home/oper/lindy# python diskinfo.py
[0:0:0:0]   sas:0x4433221100000000 /dev/sdb  EHT%0033_0
[0:0:1:0]   sas:0x4433221101000000 /dev/sdc  EHT%0033_1
[0:0:2:0]   sas:0x4433221102000000 /dev/sdd  EHT%0033_2
[0:0:3:0]   sas:0x4433221103000000 /dev/sde  EHT%0033_3
[0:0:4:0]   sas:0x4433221105000000 /dev/sdf  EHT%0033_5
[0:0:5:0]   sas:0x4433221104000000 /dev/sdg  EHT%0033_4
[0:0:6:0]   sas:0x4433221106000000 /dev/sdh  EHT%0033_6
[0:0:7:0]   sas:0x4433221107000000 /dev/sdi  EHT%0033_7
[0:0:8:0]   sas:0x4433221108000000 /dev/sdj  EHT%0034_0
[0:0:9:0]   sas:0x4433221109000000 /dev/sdk  EHT%0034_1
[0:0:10:0]  sas:0x443322110a000000 /dev/sdl  EHT%0034_2
[0:0:11:0]  sas:0x443322110b000000 /dev/sdm  EHT%0034_3
[0:0:12:0]  sas:0x443322110d000000 /dev/sdn  EHT%0034_5
[0:0:13:0]  sas:0x443322110c000000 /dev/sdo  EHT%0034_4
[0:0:14:0]  sas:0x443322110e000000 /dev/sdp  EHT%0034_6
[0:0:15:0]  sas:0x443322110f000000 /dev/sdq  EHT%0034_7
[17:0:0:0]  sas:0x4433221100000000 /dev/sdr  EHT%0035_0
[17:0:1:0]  sas:0x4433221101000000 /dev/sds  EHT%0035_1
[17:0:2:0]  sas:0x4433221102000000 /dev/sdt  EHT%0035_2
[17:0:3:0]  sas:0x4433221103000000 /dev/sdu  EHT%0035_3
[17:0:4:0]  sas:0x4433221104000000 /dev/sdv  EHT%0035_4
[17:0:5:0]  sas:0x4433221105000000 /dev/sdw  EHT%0035_5
[17:0:6:0]  sas:0x4433221106000000 /dev/sdx  EHT%0035_6
[17:0:7:0]  sas:0x4433221107000000 /dev/sdy  EHT%0035_7
[17:0:8:0]  sas:0x4433221108000000 /dev/sdz  EHT%0036_0
[17:0:9:0]  sas:0x4433221109000000 /dev/sdaa EHT%0036_1
[17:0:10:0] sas:0x443322110a000000 /dev/sdab EHT%0036_2
[17:0:11:0] sas:0x443322110b000000 /dev/sdac EHT%0036_3
[17:0:12:0] sas:0x443322110c000000 /dev/sdad EHT%0036_4
[17:0:13:0] sas:0x443322110d000000 /dev/sdae EHT%0036_5
[17:0:14:0] sas:0x443322110e000000 /dev/sdaf EHT%0036_6
[17:0:15:0] sas:0x443322110f000000 /dev/sdag EHT%0036_7


manually mount disks on Mark6 unit (bypass cplane)


mirror.py archives vdif files from source modules onto a backup module on the same Mark6. Files are copied disk-to-disk to a subdirectory based on the source minodule MSN.

# copy data from 71, 72, 73 into backup directories on 143
python mirror.py BHC%0071 BHC%0072 BHC%0073 BHC%0143 > go.sh
python diskinfo.py # sanity check disk mounting and copy script
. go.sh # run copy script


use noise to train and set ADC core offset and gain

oper@Mark6-4047:~/lindy$ python /usr/local/src/r2dbe/software/switch_set_noise.py
Command executed successfully.
oper@Mark6-4047:~/lindy$ python og.py

  python og.py clear (clear previous og registers, otherwise all future solutions will be iterative)
  python og.py 3600 (accumulate 1 hour of counts, calculate solution, and apply if setog is True)
  python og.py ogsol-20150320-134300-3600.npy (apply a saved solution)



unit tests to check readiness of mark6/r2dbe configuration:

oper@Mark6-4047:~/lindy$ python ready.py -v
test (__main__.IFPowerIsGood) ... ok
test (__main__.IFThresholdIsGood) ... ok
test (__main__.Mark6SoftwareIsCurrent) ... ok
test (__main__.R2BitcodeIsUpToDate) ... ok
test (__main__.R2IsConnected) ... ok
test (__main__.R2PPSIsNonzero) ... ok
test (__main__.SwitchIsSetToIF) ... ok
test (__main__.TimezoneIsUTC) ... ok
test (__main__.cplaneIsRunningAndUnder1GB) ... ok
test (__main__.dplaneIsRunning) ... ok
Ran 10 tests in 0.092s


based on Helge's start_eht.py (Starting the schedule) schedule helper script. edited to provide alc.py just before each scan