Welcome to a Project by StackOverflow Researchers

In this project, we were challenged by a leading government organization with deploying a robot
that will scan its surroundings for suspicious objects. To see our project in action, follow the steps below:

Step 1 :
In the sigularity terminal, Run:
- wget https://lamp.ms.wits.ac.za/robotics/robot_assignment_ws.tar.gz --no-certificate; tar zxvf robot_assignment_ws.tar.gz
- cd robot_assignment_ws
- rm -r build
- catkin_make

Step 2:
In the robot_assignment_ws workspace, Run:
- catkin_create_pkg scripts_pkg std_msgs rospy  (to create a scripts_pkg package)
- cd ..; catkin_make
- source devel/setup.bash
- roscd scripts_pkg
- mkdir scripts; cd scripts

Step 3:
- Unzip the project folder
- Move the "Autonomous_Security_Bot.py" file to the scripts folder created in Step 2
- Move the "refined_map.pgm" file to robot_assignment_ws workspace
In sigularity, while inside the scripts directory, run:
- chmod +x *.py

Step 4:
In sigularity, while inside the robot_assignment_ws workspace, run:
- source devel/setup.bash
- ./startWorld
In a new terminal, run:
- source devel/setup.bash
- rosrun scripts_pkg Autonomous_Security_Bot.py

Enter Goal Destination - x: "input your x value"
Enter Goal Destination - y: "input your y value"
Finding motion path using PRM (this may take a while)...

If you are prompted with a "networkx not found" error message on terminal, try:
- pip install networkx
if you get a pip error, run:
- wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/pip/2.7/get-pip.py
- python get-pip.py
- pip install --upgrade setuptools
- pip install networkx or pip install "networkx==2.2"