
Auto-navigate to hybris/bin/platform and execute commands

Primary LanguageBatchfileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Archived on 2020-02-16
I recently switched jobs away from SAP Commerce development

ybp - Execute command in hybris/bin/platform


When working with SAP Commerce, you have to execute most of the interesting commands like ant or hybrisserver.sh in the hybris/bin/platform directory.

This little wrapper takes care of the navigation, regardless in what folder of the project you are, and also sources setantenv.sh, if necessary

You current working dir is not modified, so you can fire any command without loosing you current context.


  1. Clone or download this repo
  2. chmod u+x ybp (Linux / macOS only)
  3. put ybp / ybp.bat somehwere on your PATH
  4. Never type cd ../../../hybris/bin/platform or source setantenv.sh / setantenv.bat again


cd myproject/hybris/bin/custom/myextension/some/sub/folder
ybp ant clean all
# run ant clean all for the whole platform

ybp ./hybrisserver.sh debug
# start server


For maximum laziness developer efficiency, I recommend following aliases:

alias ya='ybp ant'
alias ys='ybp ./hybrisserver.sh'