
Sharpening my Python skills

Primary LanguagePython


Sharpening my Python skills. Using Flask, SQLAlchemy (with Postgres) and Celery (with Redis) for simple web content capturing tool (like https://getpocket.com, but generating PDFs).


Run Postgres (default options).

Run Redis:

docker run -p 6379:6379 -d redis

Run celery:

celery -B -A tasks worker -l info

Run Flask

export FLASK_DEBUG=1
export FLASK_APP=app.py
flask run


  • Find a way to convert Query objects in find_* methods to list of classes
  • Put in_progress tasks back to requested after timeout
  • Remove name field, generate it dynamically from title
  • Tests
  • API docs (+ RAML stuff)
  • UI?
  • Dockerize!
  • ???