A collection of small things around web developments, mostly not big enough for a proper blog post. Every day I learn something new, but I forget most of the things. Not anymore!
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- [Enabling new ESLint rules in a legacy codebase with suppress-eslint-errors)(javascript/enabling-new-eslint-rules-in-a-legacy-codebase-with-suppress-eslint-errors.md)
- Finding unused and missing npm dependencies with depcheck
- Transpiling ESM files inside node_modules
- Finding the most used React components with react-scanner
- Generating TypeScript React components from SVG icons using SVGR
- Ensuring React Testing Library best practices with ESLint
- Using React useReducer hook with TypeScript
- Automatically merging Dependabot security pull requests using GitHub Actions
- Caching static assets on Netlify
- Josh Branchaud (yep, I stole the idea from him)
- Jake Worth
- thoughtbot
Artem Sapegin and contributors.
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