
Module for compiling code with Docker

Primary LanguagePython


A terraform module for compiling any code in terraform with the help of docker.

This module has been created with the service AWS Lambda in mind.

⚠️ use at your own risk, any help is appreciated ❤️


You need these programs installed on your host.

How it works

A docker container is launch using the image passed as attribute. It's better to use a very lightweight image here, as it will speed up compilation time.

Two volumes are mounted inside this container, one will bind the input directory on your host to /input directory on the container and the same for happened with the output directory.

Then the script located inside the /input directory is launched to compile the code. A zip file named after filename and containing your compiled code must be generated inside the output directory by the script.

This module is generic, it doesn't support any programming language. So you need to create your own compilation script.


module "compilator" {
  source   = "git://github.com/sapher/terraform-docker-compiler?ref=v0.12"
  input    = "${abspath(path.module)}/input"
  output   = "${abspath(path.module)}/output"
  image    = "node:8.16.0-alpine"
  filename = "lambda.zip"
  script   = "compile.sh"

⚠️ abspath(path.module) is need for the module to get the absolute paths


all attributes are required

  • input source directory where your code lives
  • output output directory where your compiled code would be outputed
  • image docker image to use
  • filename name of the output file
  • script relative script file name inside input directory

Compilation script

Compilation of the actual code is the part that should create yourself. The script must compile the code in a directory different than /input or /output. Only the archive file should be outputed in the folder /output.

Environment variables

List of variables passed to compilation script :

  • FILENAME Name of the archive file


Here's below an example of a script to compile a npm package with the image node:8.16.0-alpine.

# install zip package for alpine
apk add zip

# copy source files to a temp directory
cp -a /input/. /copy

# move to folder
cd /copy

# install npm dependencies
npm ci

# zip current folder /copy to archive file in /output folder
zip -r /output/${FILENAME} .

Some thoughts

  • Will add time to your terraform deployment
  • Should not be used in my opinions
  • ... ❤️